PodOrtho® Foot Specialist Advanced Foot & Lower Limb Care

Official PodOrtho® Foot Specialist Textbook for Nurses and Regulated Health Care Providers (RHCP)

 PodOrtho® Foot Specialist Advanced Foot & Lower Limb Care Textbook

This advanced foot and lower limb care textbook is intended to support continuing education for Regulated Health Care Providers, Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, Pedorthists, Paramedics, Athletic Therapists, kinesiologist, Respiratory Therapists, Registered Massage Therapists, and Registered Nurses Extended Class (Nurse Practitioners) other health care providers who wish to obtain post-graduate education in foot and lower limb care and become experts in this specialized field of care. Further to this, upon receiving a completion grade in this comprehensive program and joining as a member of our not-for-profit organization, The Ontario Foot Care Association, practitioners will be able to utilize the trademark career/job title, PodOrtho® Foot Specialist.

Studying and practicing  as a PodOrtho® Foot Specialist is an exciting journey. Advanced PodOrtho® Foot Specialist and Lower Limb Care Program provides each practitioner with cutting-edge skills to deliver all-encompassing care for their patients/clients. Practitioners are taught how to address their patient/clients’ initial foot and lower limb concerns and translate how those conditions affect one’s general health and everyday life. Additionally, practitioners will learn concepts involving prevention strategies and education for their patients/clients, as well as advanced skills utilizing tools, technologies, and holistic treatment options.

Erin D King, Director of Care & Education

Erin King is a resident of Barrie, Ontario, Canada, and has owned and operated her foot and lower limb care practice, Health for Life Medical Foot Care Ltd., in her community since 1999. Erin credits her motivation to pursue nursing to her many years as a national level competitive gymnast. Understanding the power of the human frame as a competitive athlete, while mastering the fluidity of movement with grace and style, ignited Erin’s passion to learn more about the anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of the foot and lower limbs.

A graduate of the nursing program studying the healing curriculum at both the RN and RPN levels, Erin obtained her license as a Registered Practical Nurse. She has worked in the nursing field for twenty-five years; in hospitals (focusing on complex chronic care and rehabilitation), long-term care facilities, and in private practice. The culmination of her postgraduate studies in foot and lower limb care and the experience and proficiency she has amassed over two decades in the field and has served her patients and students well at her busy clinic, Health for Life Medical Foot Care Ltd. in Barrie, Ontario.

Erin is a former educator of the advanced nursing foot care program at Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario campus, and has presented to many colleagues over the years at podiatry and nursing conferences, teaching her specialized protocols and offering her expertise in the latest technologies in foot and lower limb care and business motivation.

Erin is the Founder and President of the Ontario Foot Care Association (OFCA), a not-for-profit organization that supports their members in career objectives by promoting health care providers who have become experts and specialized in foot and lower limb care in interdisciplinary healthcare settings or independent practice.

Podortho® Textbook