OFCA Clarifies the role of the Nurse/Podortho Foot Specialist to eliminate public confusion regarding legislated designations of RHCP and our members developed independent scopes of practice obtained through post-graduate education and skilled hands-on clinical training while promoting quality assurances.
We recognize overlapping scopes of practice between various other RHCPs while working within our designation outlined by the Regulated Health Professions Act of Ontario, Canada.
We provide independent and/or multidisciplinary qualified, safe, and effective care meeting public health guidelines while servicing community needs.
Community Foot and Lower Limb Care is accessible and provided by our members across Ontario, Canada.
Our OFCA members have established private practices to meet this growing and essential need thus preventing complications, reducing hospital admissions, and the need to seek a Primary Care Provider.
We offer effective quality care with a preventative approach to care ensuring independence for our clients throughout the aging process.
Our full Foot & Lower Limb Care Standards of Practise will be made available in the coming days and will be posted on our website www.ofcassociation.ca
#footcare #preventativecare #accesiblecare #nurses #rpn #rncareers #rn #rpncareers #communityhealth #communitywellness #mobility #reducinghospitalcare #improvingindependance #quaityoflife #healthandwellness #nurses #podorthofootspecialists